Shipping Policy
All shipments are sent FOB the factory and the customer is responsible for all shipping charges from zip code 91702. Shipping instructions, shipping method, delivery address and delivery date must be included in the PO. Changes to shipping instructions must be in writing, approved by the factory and submitted at least 72 hours prior to the ship date. Factory will not be responsible for delays or additional charges created by any unapproved changes. Factory may ship orders up to 3 days prior to customer’s ship date without notifying the customer. Orders are not insured unless requested on the PO or in writing. All orders become the customer’s property upon factory’s delivery to the carrier as all shipments are FOB factory. Customers should file claims with the specific carrier for any delayed, lost or damaged shipments. The factory will be happy to assist with this process, but the customer must initiate the process within 14 days of shipment. The factory is not responsible for delays caused by a carrier or government agency. No refunds, credits or returns will be given to a customer due to carrier or government agency delays.
The factory reserves the right to ship via the carrier of their choice, at customer’s expense, in order to meet the customer’s in-hand date. Shipping via the United States Postal Service, will require an additional 2 business days and a fee of $32(v)/per order.
Billing to Customer or Third Party Account:
Upon request, factory will attempt to bill shipping charges to a customer’s account. If customer refuses the charges, the carrier will typically bill back the charges to the factory. In this case, factory will invoice customer for the shipping charges plus a $32(v) service charge. If the customer’s account is invalid, incorrect or factory fails to use customer’s account for any reason, factory will ship on factory’s account and invoice customer for the shipping charges. Customer will be obligated to pay these shipping charges.
Split shipments:
For split shipments to more than three locations, a split shipment charge of $6.50(v)/per location will apply. Additional charges may apply for some split shipments, please call factory for details.
Miscellaneous Shipping Information:
If a delivery address is not included on the PO, the factory will hold the shipment of the order for up to three days before shipping via ground carrier directly to the customer’s address on file. The customer is responsible for any additional freight charges caused by address changes, residential service, re-routed packages, returned packages and/or other adjustments made by the carriers. These additional freight charges will be invoiced to the customer in a supplemental invoice 15 to 60 days after the shipment.
Special Packaging and Fulfillment:
The factory has a full service fulfillment facility that can accommodate any packaging needs. Call for a quote on any special packaging and fulfillment services required. There will be a $43.75(v) per pallet charge for palletizing.
Overruns and Under Runs:
The factory reserves the right to over ship or under ship up to 5% of the order quantity and invoice the customer accordingly. Exact quantity shipments will require an exact quantity fee of $31.25(v).